Stewardship: Sharing our Talents for the Kingdom
Liturgical Ministries
Prayer Ministries
Outreach Ministries
Fundraising Ministries
Stewardship: Sharing our Talents for the Kingdom
As Baptized Christians we are called to be evangelizers of the faith. Through the ministries here at St. Francis Parish, we work to spread the Joy of the Gospel to everyone we encounter. We are all called and we are all chosen to be the light of Christ for the world. We invite everyone to become an active participant in the ministry life here at St. Francis. There is a place for everyone!
Information on all of our ministries is below. Click on any one that interests you to read about it. If you are interested in more information or joining, there are contact buttons on the bottom of each page. Someone will get back to you to answer your questions and welcome you.
Altar Linen Ministry
Altar Server Ministry
Art and Environment Ministry
Bereavement Ministry
Eucharistic Ministers
Lector Ministry
Ministers of Hospitality
Music Ministry
Cross Bearer Ministry
Bible Study Ministry
Book Club Ministry
Contemplative Living Ministry
Men’s Cornerstone Retreat
RCIA Ministry
Spiritual Direction
Women's Cornerstone Retreat Ministry
Terra Firma - Young Adult Ministry
Re-Clam the Bay Ministries
Hospital Eucharistic Ministers
Interfaith Health and Support Services
LIFE Ministry
Prayer Shawl and Knitters and Crocheters Ministry
Pre-Cana Ministry
Prison Ministry
Beefsteak Dinner
Festival of the Sea
Spaghetti Dinner
The Garden Party