Men’s Cornerstone Retreat Ministry


Men’s Cornerstone is a parish-sponsored retreat experience for men of the parish that begins on Friday evening at 6 PM and concludes the following evening with Mass at 7 PM. This twenty-five-hour mini-retreat includes eight talks, four meals, and assorted goodies and drinks. Cornerstone is led by men for men and has been building strong relationships among the participants since 2001 when the first retreat was held. Eucharistic adoration throughout the night, the opportunity for the sacrament of Reconciliation with the friars, and faith-sharing are key features of every retreat.  

The 15-20 members of Cornerstone meet monthly throughout the year and plan each retreat. There is a skilled team of leaders in place who are veterans of Men’s Cornerstone and can be counted on to share their wisdom and provide a welcoming environment. Jim Mazzerina, Jim Moench, Bill Roberts, and the key contact person Jim Brady are all willing to answer questions about this ministry.

Get Involved

To be part of this ministry, please contact us below:

or Call the Music and Liturgy Office at: 609-494-8813 ext. 159

Reflecting the Beauty, Faith, and Love of Our Parishioners and Community