“For it is in giving that we receive”
- Francis of Assisi
New Format for Online Giving Through ParishSoft
NB: Please be advised that ParishSoft has upgraded their program. The donor information for all recurring donors has been migrated to the new format. You will, however, need to sign in with your user name and password. If you do not remember your password, please click the “forgot password” link for assistance.
Other previous donors will need to reenter your personal information when making a donation.
Your donation history may not show up in this new system but it is recorded within our parish accounting. All donation will be included in your end of year statement.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you for your support of St. Francis Parish.
Use “GIVE NOW” if you would like to send a monetary donation. You can choose between a “One-time” donation, recurring, or register as a parishioner, all within one place.
You can mail a check made out to:
4700 Long Beach Blvd,
Brant Beach, NJ 08008
Thank you for supporting us!