Women’s Cornerstone Retreat
About Women’s Cornerstone Retreat
Cornerstone is a parish-sponsored spiritual experience that brings women 18+ together to deepen their faith, grow in knowledge and love of God, and connect with a supportive, spiritual community of women. Cornerstone is led by women for women. Women’s Cornerstone has been held each year in the Fall since 2002 (except for Hurricane Sandy and COVID-19). The retreat is held at Maris Stella Retreat House in Harvey Cedars. After their initial Cornerstone weekend, each retreatant is invited and encouraged to join the Cornerstone team to plan and present future Cornerstone retreat experiences and other activities.
In addition to the planning meetings for the yearly retreat, the women also run the Parish Rosary Project from November to March, collecting used rosaries to be cleaned and sanitized,
re-packaged and donated to hospitals, nursing homes and to the homeless of the St. Francis Inn.
The Cornerstone sisters have also been meeting to view and discuss “The Chosen” together.
There is a yearly Mass on a Saturday in June and breakfast is hosted for both the Women’s and Men’s Cornerstone groups. In July the Cornerstone sisters meet for a sunrise prayer service on the beach and have breakfast together. They are invited to attend the Men’s Cornerstone Christmas party.
Get Involved
To be part of this ministry, please contact us below:
or Call the Music and Liturgy Office at: 609-494-8813 ext. 159