Family Faith
Religious Education Mission Statement
We are a Franciscan Parish and emphasize the charism of St. Francis of Assisi as he follows in the footsteps of Jesus. As such, hospitality, community and social justice are of particular importance. In order for our students to benefit from their formation experience, their first need is for them to feel accepted, secure and comfortable. Children within this framework can learn, grow and are nurtured in their faith. Our formal formation program begins when children are about six years of age and continues through the Sacrament of Confirmation.
You, the parents/guardians are the primary teachers of your child(ren), we will work in cooperation with you to facilitate their faith growth and development. For this process to be life-giving, your active participation is necessary as we walk this path together.
At St. Francis, children are welcomed and encouraged to participate in Mass. We believe that attending and participating in Mass reinforces what is taught in the classroom and helps the children learn to live their faith.
New families and if you have questions, please contact
Fr. Scott Brookbank, OFM (Interim Director)
Dear Families:
Don't forget to register your children for the upcoming Family Faith year!
We look forward to welcoming you all back in September.
Contact Carla Parisio at or 609 494-8861 ext 179 for information on the registration process.
Sacrament Programs Overview
The Confirmation preparation is a two year process. Beginnings at year one, students attend monthly sessions where they will explore the presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. It is a time to deepen understanding of their relationship with the church and learn to be a witness to Christ by the way they live.
Year 2 the Confirmandi (those who are about to receive the Sacrament) are formally installed on the feast of Pentecost. Through a series of workshops, they explore prayer, mission, sacred oils, gifts and fruits of the Spirit. The program culminates with a retreat and an evening of Reconciliation prior to the reception of the sacrament. Sponsors are invited to attend also.
First Eucharist
Our program invites families and children to travel together on the journey to know Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Year one, the children are introduced to basic prayers, scripture stories and a tour of the church (their second home).
Year two begins the immediate preparation where understanding of the real presence in the bread and wine. The Sacrament is celebrated at a regular community Mass. Scripture, prayer and special gatherings are offered to help children in the understanding that God loves them, God wants them to know Him and God wants to be in their lives.
During year one of the two year preparation, the focus is on the study of the Sacraments and the Commandments. Seasonal lessons for Advent, Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost as well as study of the Lives of the Saints complete the year.
Year two, usually the fifth grade level at our Parish is a parent and child program. In addition to the regular text, students receive a Reconciliation text. This book emphasizes the love God has for us and that He is merciful and forgiving always. Special classes are provided to help the children understand how choices and actions show love for God and others.
St. Francis of Assisi Family Faith Religious Education program is a partnership approach to faith formation. Today’s families are very busy juggling home, work, sports, volunteering and carpooling to name just a few activities. Although faced with this growing demand on their time, families still believe that a strong faith foundation is essential. Sharing faith with their children strengthens values and forms guidelines to navigate today’s society. Our ministry is characterized by welcome and engagement.
Family integrated catechesis is based on the belief that Faith has always been passed on through the Family. Spiritual development requires support, guidance and community. Our monthly adult and child classes, led by committed catechists, emphasize the tradition of passing on the faith through a community of believers.
Some benefits of this approach are:
Realization that Faith development is a life-long journey
Common experience about forming faith
Discussion and learning continues at home
Strengthens ties to parish community
Support the families as the first and foremost teacher for their children.
The framework of the catechetical program consists of six fundamental tasks.
Promote the faith
Liturgical education
Moral formation
Develop Christian community
Share the Faith
In addition to the regular classes, children participate in Sacramental workshops, retreats and evenings of Reconciliation. In December all classes will attend and participate in the Nativity Pageant. The year culminates in a procession to the church where Mary is crowned Queen of Heaven. Our closing prayer service is followed by a pizza party in the Church hall.
Thank you to all the Pastoral Staff, catechists, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters who make Family Faith come alive for our children. The Family Faith team is grateful to be a part of this vibrant ministry.
Contact Family Faith
Fr. Scott Brookbank, OFM
Interim Director Family Faith
609-494-8861 x153
Carla Parisio
Administrative Assistant/Tuition Coordinator
609 494-8861 ext 179